"A Strongwoman is someone who raises other women up instead of tearing them down."

About Me

My name is Sam, a 40 (ish) year old female from South wales. 

I am a competitive Strongwoman, Personal Trainer, Coach, Gym Owner and Service Manager for a Homelessness Charity.

I am also a former competitive horse rider and footballer as well as a survivor of domestic abuse.

I am a strong advocate for LGBTQI+ rights

You may know my story or know me from the series BBC1 Our Lives - We are Strong Women - where I starred along side my wife.

Please keep checking the website for updates.....



Powerlifting is a strength sport that consists of three attempts at maximal weight on three lifts: Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift

Strong (Wo)man

Strongman and Strongwoman is a sport where athletes compete in multiple events involving strength, Speed and cardiovascular endurance 

Mental Health 

Mental Health refers to cognitive, behavioural and emotional wellbeing. It is all about how people feel and behave. 

Domestic Abuse is the incident or pattern of controlling, coercive, threatening behaviour. Abuse can take the form of violence, Financial, sexual abuse, usually by a partner. 

Helplines for advice and support 

Wales - 08088010800
England - 08082000246
Scotland - 08000271234
"A person who falls and gets back up, is stronger than a person who never falls"
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